Today’s unusual discovery may not necessarily fit the description of what a bug is, but it is amusing nonetheless. Reddit user Dunaike decided to land their helicopter close to where penguins hang out on the Breakaway map. Penguins are essentially part of the set dressing, to add a little bit of ambiance to the environment. But what they didn’t count on was… being able to repair them. That’s right, if you have a repair tool equipped - which no one uses - you can top up the health of penguin friends. Some players theorise that penguins are designated as vehicles as far as the engine is concerned, which could be why a health bar shows up when you use a repair torch on them. Of course, doing this doesn’t actually earn you any points, and it doesn’t get the penguins themselves to change their behaviour. Nevertheless, it is funny. Earlier today, Battlefield 2042 received its most substantial patch yet, in the form of update 0.3.0. It brings dozens of fixes to the game, and adds a number of missing features. Battlefield 2042 will receive one last update before DICE breaks for the holidays.