According to the report, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S sales haven’t sold more than the previous offerings during the same launch phase due to supply issues (thanks, Ampere Analysis figures Xbox Series X|S has sold 2.8 million, which is just a bit behind Xbox One’s 2.9 million units during the same timeframe. PS5’s 4.5 million units reported by Sony is, on the other hand, in-line with PS4 which moved around 4.2 million units during early launch months in 2013. Ampere is of the opinion PS5 would have sold more than 5 million units had more people been able to get their hands on one. The firm expects PS5 to shift between 7.6 million and 8 million units by the end of March 2021. The analysis firm also believes Microsoft’s focus is less on traditional hardware sales and instead on revenue gained through Xbox Game Pass, player engagement, PC, and even mobile. Still, it feels Xbox Series X/S customers will remain a “cornerstone” until at least 2025. In its latest financials, Microsoft announced the Xbox Game Pass service now boasts 18 million members, up from 15 million in September last year. Xbox Live now has over 100 million monthly active users across all devices. Microsoft also acknowledged the lack of stock and that its new consoles remain in high demand, and that as of December 31, 2020, the consoles combined sold more than any other Xbox console in Microsoft history at launch.