But why is that? Well, for one, it’s massive. Even with a large number of squads dropping there, you’ll likely be able to find a decent amount of loot for you and your buddies to pick up and use against other squads. Secondly, due to its position being somewhat close to the centre of the map, it’s a great spot to rotate out from when the first or second circle starts drifting away. When the circle remains over Fragment, you can be certain that fresh squads will continue funnelling in from all directions, so it’s also one of the best places to hold up if you’ve got a taste for action. It’s a good thing people who like hot dropping - intentionally starting in heavily contested locations - are typically starving for high-intensity games. Now, add on top of that the recent addition of Newcastle. He’s a super defensive Legend able to quickly fortify a location, so drop him and his team into the multiple structures dotted around Fragment and you’ve got even more reason to head there. A team of Newcastle, Caustic, and Wattson would be hard to approach at any point, let alone while they’re tucked inside one of these large structures. But don’t take our word for it, multiple posts on the Apex Legends subreddit are celebrating or dreading the return of Fragment. Additinally, jokes about the sheer flood of incoming players to the region are populating some of the most popular posts. What do you think of World’s Edge map coming back to Apex Legends? Are you excited to jump back into Fragment? Or are you not a fan? Let us know below! For more Apex Legends content, check out our articles on the rad animation work added with Apex Legends Saviors, as well as our report on the ongoing macro debate in Apex.