BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU? Segue genius. Using the incredible power of polling technology and the irresistable urge of expressing your opinions in an easily-clickable form, we want to know what was your favourite announcement from yesterday’s big batch. For a reminder, do check our February 2022 Nintendo Direct round-up. Gee whizz, that’s a lot of games. I’m personally a Xenoblade Chronicles guy so it was nice to see the long-rumoured and much-discussed third game announced, and all the hints seem to point to something that brings the two previous games together. Advance Wars also formed a key part of my childhood, and while there’s still much to discuss on the art front, the characters are looking great, voice acting is a nice addition, and worst comes to worst I’m happy to just play those games again. But you’re what’s important here - what was hot, what was not? Are you a Klonoa super-stan, or the only person left alive that hasn’t played Portal? Maybe a Dread masochist, or simply excited to go bowling again after two years pandemic-locked? Let us know!