The next Call of Duty game won’t bring back jetpacks, at least according to veteran designer David Vonderhaar. Vonderhaar, who’s been Treyarch’s design director since 2004, was recently asked on Twitter - perhaps jokingly - to bring the feature back. “NO,” he replied to a Twitter follower. “Such short-term memories. You hung me from the highest branch. No. NO. I have PTSD,” he elaborated in a follow-up tweet. The style of advanced movement introduced in Treyarch’s Black Ops 3 is also the one Infinite Warfare used, giving birth to a trend that got Call of Duty fans to clamour for the days of “boots on the ground”, which lead to the return to WW2 and, of course, Modern Warfare afterwards.

Separately, it’s interesting that Vonderhaar has anything at all to say about the next Call of Duty. Recent reports suggested that the game is facing major troubles at Sledgehammer Games and Raven Soft, the two studios meant to lead the project. According to Kotaku, Treyarch was asked to step in and salvage what remains so the game hits its 2020 release target, but it’s not clear if Vonderhaar is specifically referring to that project, or to Treyarch’s own game to presumably follow. Thanks, Charlie Intel.