Steam has once more broken its own record when it comes to the number of concurrent players online, with Valve’s platform today soaring past the impressive 26 million concurrent users mark. This beats the record set last time we reported on Steam’s concurrent users on January 2, when the platform peaked at 25,416,720 online users. Both these new highs come after Valve set three other highs all achieved in March last year, when worldwide lockdowns had only just begun. The record was tracked on SteamDB (above), where you can see that a frankly ludicrous 26,392,063 users are now logged as being on the store all in one go. Between some truly horrific weather around the globe and the on-going lockdowns many countries are enduring thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s no surprise, really, that more people than ever before are looking to their PCs and similar hardware for entertainment. In other Steam news, we’ve recently heard that World of Tanks will be arriving on the platform soon, and we’ve seen Koei Tecmo’s Nioh 2 attract more users than the previous game in the series ever did on PC (though some players are lambasting the optimization and performance of the port).