No other platforms have been announced for the game at the time of writing, so for the time being it looks like it’ll be an Oculus Quest 2 exclusive. The game was announced during April’s Resident Evil Showcase, where it was revealed that the the game has been reimagined for virtual reality by Armature, the developers behind Recore (remember that?), Capcom and Oculus. There are some pretty big changes to the experience now, per the trailer. The most notable shift is that we’re now in first-person, rather than third-person. You can pick up weapons and ammo boxes, and you can swing your knife manually after picking it up off your chest. You can also dual-wield thanks to the Oculus Rift 2’s control solutions. Weapons will be grabbed from holsters at your waist, and healing objects can be used by grabbing them from your left shoulder. You will be able to move Leon by teleporting him about, or moving the right analogue stick. The game supports being played stood or sat down. “Blinking away won’t be an option,” a blurb for the video reads, somewhat menacingly. The action certainly looks a lot more imposing and in-your-face in this version, compared to how it appeared in the 2005 classic.