Sony has announced this morning the results of its second quarter for FY2020. The period covering July to September saw sales of PS4 slow down, but was nonetheless record-setting in revenue for PlayStation. The console has now shipped 113.6 million units worldwide since its introduction in late 2013. The actual, sold-to-consumers figure is likely lower, of course, but that is already an impressive record for PS4. You may notice that this is roughly a 1.5 million increase over last quarter’s results, which is typical of the end of the console cycle. PS5 sales will soon become a metric Sony tracks in its quarterly reports, but until then, PS4 remains the flagship. 80.9 million software sales were made over the quarter, with Sony’s first-party games amounting to 12.4 million of those. Digital continues to grow, now making up 59% of all software sales. Overall, PlayStation made $4.9 billion in revenue, which, although down compared to the previous quarter, is up significantly over the same quarter last fiscal year.