The Ann Confidant perks include power-ups for Ann in combat, along with help in demon negotiations and even a chance to negate enemy attacks. To shorten the time between ranking up and max out the Lovers Confidant more quickly, make sure to give gifts that Ann likes. Check out our Persona 5 Royal gift guide for all the best options. As with all Confidants in Persona 5 Royal, you have an easier chance of boosting your relationship with Ann if you include a Persona of the matching Arcana in your roster during rank up events. This guide uses point values for answers with a matching Persona in your roster, so adjust the point value down by 1 if you don’t have one on hand. That said, finding a Lovers Persona is comparatively easy, especially early in the game. Pixie and Saki Mitama are two low-level Persona you can find in Mementos or fuse using common Personas.

Persona 5 Ann Confidant Abilities

Rank 1: N/A Rank 2: Girl Talk

If you fail negotiations with a female Shadow, you may be able to try again

Rank 3: Follow Up

Ann may perform a follow-up attack if Joker fails to defeat an enemy

Rank 4: Sexy Technique

May distract the enemy and cancel their attack

Rank 5: Crocodile Tears

May force enemies to ask for less during negotiations

Rank 6: Harisen Recovery

May cure status ailments

Rank 7 N/A Rank 8: Endure

Ann may survive a fatal attack with 1 HP left

Rank 9: Protect

Ann may save Joker from a fatal attack

Rank 10: Second Awakening

Ann’s Persona transforms

Ann Confidant choices and availability

We’re focusing on the best choices you can make and, again, assume you will have a matching Persona to help get extra points. Ann is available every day except Thursday and Saturday, and you can find her in the Shibuya Underground Mall, usually near the florist stall.

Ann rank 1


Ann Rank 2 choices (requires level two Kindness)

So I apologized as well:

Are you feeling better now? She’s so strong?

But in the end, maybe I just didn’t believe in her ability:

You might be right


I couldn’t just ignore you

But I’m going to find that answer, I promise

Either choice

I hope you’ll join me again next time

Either choice (all only give +2)

Ann rank 3 choices

No choice matters until you reach “Uh huh, uh huh. What else?”

Can we stop yet?

It sounds like shoots have been real hectic with all the scrambling they’ve had to do for substitutes

Has that happened to you?

…Maybe less these days

That freedom sounds nice (only +2)

She had to have seen me right?

Could be (only +2)

Ann rank 4 choices

It has everything… but it feels like I can’t understand any of it. It’s honestly kinda scary.

I know what you mean

But that was when Shiho talked to me. The first thing she said was, ‘Takamaki-san, your paintings suck.’

That’s hilarious

About that female thief in the anime I used to watch? Well, I thought of something!

Tell me

And that’s why I’m going to try and learn from them!

Good idea

I’m gonna star in action movies!

Good luck with that

Do you do anything to train your body?

I train every day I carry Morgana in my bag (Both only give +2)

Ann rank 5 choices

All correct options only grant +2

Do you think maybe Shiho would want one too?

Give it up

I really screwed that up…

She’s amazing, huh

But still, wasn’t Mika’s fake crying pretty incredible?

It had grace

The remaining two dialogue moments don’t reward you with any points

Ann rank 6 choices

I guess you really just need someone to laugh at you if you want to feel better.

It seems that way

The next two choices don’t matter

So I was thinking, and um…what can I do to help Shiho?

Comfort her Show her your own strength

But now that I saw her crying, I know I’ll find something I can do for her…! Both only give +2

Someone’s motivated I’ll cheer you on

Ann rank 7 choices

I wonder why…

She admires you (+2)

The next two choices don’t matter

I want to be a real model!

Go get ‘em, tiger (+2)

Obviously that means dieting, cutting back on food, and no matter how tough it is, I’ll do any workout

You got this (+2)

Ann rank 8 choices

Obviously I want to cut down on my waist size too… and firm up my butt and calves

You have some real guts

Huh… There has to be somewhere my vibrant charm will shine, right!?

All reward +3 with a matching Persona, and the next choice doesn’t matter

I need to show her that I’m working hard… and that she doesn’t need to worry so much about me

Both reward +3 with a matching Persona.

I wonder if this is how Shiho felt with her rehab? Being able to push herself because someone was there with her

That’s probably it You can ask her yourself (both are +2)

Ann rank 9 choices - How to romance Ann

This is the point where you need to decide whether you want a romantic relationship with Ann.

The first two choices don’t matter.

Because, well… the only way I can help Shiho is to show her how hard I’m working.

Both reward +3 with a matching Persona

I guess I’m alone again, huh

You have me (lovers route) You have the others (friends route)

Ann rank 10 choices, friendship and lovers

All choices for the first three friendship dialogue options and the first, second, and fourth lovers option will reward +3 if you have a matching Persona.

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