Michael Chu also worked as a writer on Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft. According to a post on his personal blog, he plans to continue working in the games industry where he will continue to tell stories and “build worlds that unite people through games,” (thanks, Gamasutra). “When I first walked through the doors of Blizzard Entertainment twenty years ago, my only dream was to help make the games I had spent countless hours of my life playing,” said Chu. “From the battles between the races of Azeroth in Warcraft to the corruption of humanity as pawns of the Eternal Conflict in Diablo, I was lucky enough to tell stories in these amazing universes and help bring them to life. And I have had the great fortune to get to know and interact with the passionate global community that played our games.” In his blog post, Chu also discussed how Overwatch was a “life-changing experience,” and how he was impressed at “people empathizing” with stories “about someone who is not the same as them.” “Now, as I head out through the Blizzard doors for a last time, I have new dreams: to continue to tell these stories and build worlds that unite people through games. To help create an inclusive world where more people will want to share stories that reflect their own experiences. I hope it’s something we can build together.” Chu also worked on the upcoming Overwatch 2, which is without a release date.