Further analysing of the patent also shows that it may not be limited to just final kills, thanks to a changeable “trigger” option. In theory, this means you could have the end-of-game highlight show off a nuke, a longshot, etc. Call of Duty has been gradually leaning into kill cams as the next frontier of player customisation since Call of Duty: Vanguard, where kill cam frames were available as paid cosmetics or rewards from the various battle passes. However this patent indicates a far greater level of tomfoolery being placed in the hands of the community. The obvious hope for this feature is that it allows us to create cliche, way out of date meme kill cams that brings us back to the good old days. I want my kill cam to be as obnoxious as possible, with blaring music, rotating gifs and flashing lights. Perhaps Snoop Dogg, who has previously collaborated with Call of Duty, could lend his dance from Drop It Like It’s Hot for that authentic early 2000’s feel. Don’t get too excited about porting in your own assets though. While we’d all like to bring in our own personal shitposts and memes for killcams, it’s more likely that kill-cam customisation will be another avenue for selling cosmetics. Maybe some naughty PC players can work around it, but in all likelihood if you want to fill players’ monitors with anime girls rubbing a loss in their face, you’ll have to pay for it. But, don’t let all that get in the way of a cool development. This is the sort of feature that players have been asking about for years. It’ll be a lot of fun, although in the wider context of Call of Duty right now, we hope the more substantial problem in the game right now, like making sure plays of the game actually work. Are you excited by this idea? What would your dream kill cam look like? Let us know below! For more MW2 news, check out our breakdown on the new battle pass system coming to Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0, as well as loadouts coming back to Warzone 2.0.

Modern Warfare 2 is getting a multiplayer features fans have wanted for generations - 58