As such, we’ve written this guide to explain how to get new cards in Marvel Snap. The game has a fairly unconventional collection system, but after you read through this you’ll understand not only how to earn new cards, but how to earn cards quickly.

How to earn cards in Marvel Snap

To earn cards in Marvel Snap, you need to increase your collection level. You do this by upgrading the quality of your cards. The higher rarity you upgrade a card to, the more collection levels you gain, so be sure to spend your credits on levels whenever you get them. Cards you unlock via collection levels are random, which means you won’t know what cards you’ll get until you get them. It also means you can’t work to earn a specific card, and since you can’t buy cards directly with real world money, it means building your perfect deck requires some persistence. Not each milestone in collection levels rewards you with a new card though. To check and see how many points you need to unlock your next card, head to the main menu and tap the green button at the top of your screen. This will take you to your collection level page. From here, you can scroll up to upcoming levels to see how close you are to your next card. In short, as long as you’re completing your dailies, earning credits, and upgrading cards, you’ll keep earning new cards.

Can you buy cards in Marvel Snap?

The short answer: No! You can’t buy new cards with real world money in Marvel Snap. However, you can buy credits which you can use to upgrade cards and earn collection levels. So as long as you have enough booster currency for your cards, you can essentially “buy” levels and earn new cards. Also, while you can’t buy totally new cards for money, you can buy variants. These are copies of the same card you already own, with different art. Different variants have different quality levels, so you can exchange gold bars for variants if you’ve run out of cards to level. This won’t be a problem for new players, who likely have more upgradable cards than credits, but in the long run it may be worth looking into.

If I can’t buy cards, how do I build my perfect deck?!?

In short, you don’t! Marvel Snap is built around slowly building up a collection of cards, and making due with what you have. Sure, there’s the perfect Destroy deck with a Carnage, Wolverine, Sabertooth etc out there — we may even write a guide about how to make it! But starting out, you’ll not have half the cards you need to make it. In Marvel Snap, you need to constantly tweak and improve your decks when you get new cards that compliment them,. That concludes our guide on how to get new cards in Marvel Snap! For more Marvel Snap content, check out our interview with Ben Brode himself on why he thinks Marvel Snap can carve out it’s own space in the CCG market.

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