We’ve split the full list of changes into relevant categories for ease of reading. As such, if you only really care about one aspect of the update you can skip right there. You’ll be able to experience this patch firsthand tomorrow on April 13.

Champion changes - buffs Champion changes - nerfs Item buffs Item nerfs Rune nerfs New Skins

Champion changes - buffs


Passive - Trial by Fire. Burn Base Damage: 55-225 (levels 1-18) -> 55-310 (levels 1-18) W - Remove Scurvy. Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110/120 -> 60/70/80/90/100


E - Skip ’n Slash. Cooldown Refund Upon First Basic Attack: 50% -> 60% R - Needlework. Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds -> 100/90/80 seconds


Base Mana: 250 -> 300 Move Speed: 325 -> 330 Attack Speed Growth: 4% -> 4.5%


Damage Against Monsters: 85% -> 95%


W - Shapesplitter. Passive Bonus Magic Damage: 50/70/90/110/130 (+60% AP) -> 50/80/110/140/170 (+60% AP) Passive Bonus Move Speed: 10/15/20/25/30% -> 10/17.5/25/32.5/40%


Passive - Dream-Laden Bough. Healing Against Champions: 12-140 (levels 1-18) (+12% AP) -> 12-140 (levels 1-18) (+20% AP). W - Watch Out! Eep! Damage: 70/90/110/130/150 (+35% AP) -> 80/100/120/140/160 (+35% AP)


Base Health Regeneration :: 9 »> 7.5 Q - Comet Spear. Tap Q Length: 550 units -> 600 units Q - Comet Spear. Tap Q Width: 150 units -> 120 units E - Aegis Assault. Pantheon is no longer slowed if moving backwards while E - Aegis Assault is active. R - Grand Starfall. Pantheon now crashes down on his destination 0.25 seconds sooner


Q - Savagery. bonus damage is reduced by 40% against structures W - Battle Roar. Bonus Magic Damage Against Monsters: 65-130 (levels 1-18) -> 85-150 (levels 1-18). Bugfix. Fixed a bug where Gromp did not grant Rengar a stack of Ferocity.


Q - Crushing Blow. Cooldown: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds -> 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds W - Warrior Trickster. Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 seconds -> 20/18/16/14/12 seconds W - Warrior Trickster. Wukong can now dash through terrain using W - Warrior Trickster. E - Nimbus Strike. Magic Damage: 80/110/140/170/200 (+80% AP) -> 80/110/140/170/200 (+100% AP) E - Nimbus Strike. Bonus Magic Damage Against Monsters: 50% -> 80%


Health: 490 -> 520 R - Last Breath. Cooldown: 80/55/30 seconds -> 70/50/30 seconds


R - Fate Sealed. Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds -> 120/90/60 seconds

Champion changes - nerfs


Health Growth: 90 ->95 Health: 560-2090 (levels 1-18) -> 520-2135 (levels 1-18) Base Armor: 27 -> 22 Armor Growth: 3.5 -> 3.8

Lee Sin

Base AD: 68 -> 66 Q - Sonic Wave. Sonic Wave Damage: 55/80/105/130/155 (+100% bonus AD) -> 50/75/100/125/150 (+100% bonus AD) Q - Resonating Strike. Resonating Strike Minimum Damage: 55/80/105/130/155 (+100% bonus AD) -> 50/75/100/125/150 (+100% bonus AD) Q - Resonating Strike. Resonating Strike Maximum Damage: 110/160/210/260/310 (+200% bonus AD) -> 100/150/200/250/300 (+200% bonus AD) (h3) Ryze Q - Overload: Magic Damage: 70/90/110/130/150 (+45% AP) (+3% bonus mana) -> 70/90/110/130/150 (+50% AP) (+2% bonus mana)


AD Growth: 2 -> 1.5 Attack Damage: 53-87 (levels 1-18) -> 50-75.5 (levels 1-18) Base Armor: 22 -> 20 Health Growth: 90 -> 95 Health at Level 18: 2030 -> 2115 Q - Burst Fire. Total Physical Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+110% total AD) -> 7/9/11/13/15 (+110/112.5/115/117.5/120% total AD) Q - Burst Fire. Q - Burst Fire now only applies on-hit effects once per cast Q - Burst Fire. Zeri can now only gain one stack of R - Lightning Crash and one instance of E - Spark Surge cooldown reduction per Q - Burst Fire cast (excluding critical strikes). Q - Burst Fire. Critical strikes on Q - Burst Fire grant Zeri an additional R - Lightning Crash stack and an additional instance of E - Spark Surge’s cooldown reduction (at most two procs per cast: one for Q upon hitting a champion and another if it crits on a champion) W - Ultrashock Laser. Magic Damage: 40/75/110/145/180 (+100% total AD)(+60% AP) -> 10/45/80/115/150 (+120% total AD)(+70% AP) E - Spark Surge. Cooldown :: 23 seconds -> 28/26.5/25/23.5/22 seconds R - Lightning Crash. Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds -> 120/95/70 seconds

Item buffs

Abyssal Mask

Unmake Magic Resist Reduction: 5 (+1% bonus health), capped at 20 -> 5 (+1.2% bonus health), capped at 25.

Umbral Glaive

Total Cost: 2400 gold-> 2300 gold Combine Cost: 600 gold -> 500 gold Blackout Cooldown: 45 seconds -> 35 seconds

Item nerfs


Active Cooldown: 90 seconds -> 110 seconds

Moonstone Renewer

Bonus Heal and Shield Power Per Stack: 7% (maximum 35% at 5 stacks) -> 6% (maximum 30% at 5 stacks).

Winter’s Approach

Total Cost: 2600 gold -> 2700 gold Combine Cost: 1000 gold -> 1100 gold Health: 400 -> 350 BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where Fimbulwinter’s base shield did not properly update with champion level

Rune nerfs

Timewarped Tonic

Immediate Health & Mana Restoration: 50% ->30% Bonus Move Speed: 5% -> 4%

New Skins

The following skins will be added to the game on patch day, all with their own selection of chromas:

Arcana Ahri Arcana Hecarim Arcana Ryze Arcana Xayah Arcana Rakan League of Legends 12 7 patch notes are out and Pantheon players have reason to celebrate at last  - 56