Skrollcat Studio has shown us a little bit more of its upcoming puzzle-platformer, Hoa. In a seven-minute video given to IGN, the co-founder and art director at Skrollcat Son Tra showed off The Forest area, which apparently was the first bit of the game that the studio created. Hoa boasts a beautifully animated aesthetic that looks to be inspired by anime icon Studio Ghibli. In the demo, the player starts off by making friends with beetles which allows them to reach places they otherwise wouldn’t be able to, as well as what looks like a caterpillar called Bouncy who – as their name suggests – lets you bounce off their backs to higher areas. We also got a look at one of the enemies – a robot-type thing – with Tra explaining that when designing the game, they wanted to go for a “mostly chilled and non-violent approach.” The player is able to jump off the enemy and are able to continue through the level. Enemies can set the protagonist back – like pushing them off a ledge – but they can’t do any damage to them. Hoa is set to launch on both Nintendo Switch and PC in April 2021.