According to a tweet from Frogwares, the version of The Sinking City up for sale on Steam was “not created” by the team. The studio has not published any additional updates on the matter, but it likely has to do with a dispute between the developer and the game’s publisher Nacon, formerly Big Ben Interactive (thanks, Back in 2020, the studio pulled the game from the marketplace and terminated its contract with Nacon due to claims of being owed money by the publisher for meeting milestones, resulting in Nacon owning Frogwares close to €1 million in royalties. Last month, the game was returned to digital storefronts due to a decision made by the Paris Court of Appeal stating Frogwares had terminated its contract with Nacon in a “manifestly unlawful manner.” Last week when the game was released on PS5, Frogwares released a statement saying it was both the developer and publisher of the version; however, the PS4 release has a separate publisher and different game IDs. This is due to the ongoing legal and “technical situation,” which has resulted in the lack of a platform upgrade for PS4. Hopefully, the matter between the two will be resolved soon, and Frogwares will provide more information regarding the version which is now available through Steam.