Whether the game will eventually come to Steam is not known at this time. Intergrade is the enhanced version of the Remake, and it was released on PS5 earlier this year. This version includes updated graphics and a new chapter called Intermission starring Yuffie Kisaragi. In the chapter, Yuffie and her partner Sonon Kusakabe are on a dangerous mission to infiltrate Midgar and steal the Shinra Electric Power Company’s most powerful materia. Alongside Yuffie and Sonon, additional characters were introduced for Episode Intermission including Zhijie, a Wutain is a point of contact between the new Wutaian government and Avalanche HQ, members of Avalanche HQ—Nayo, Billy Bob, and Polk, and Weiss, the ruler of Shinra’s top-secret underground research center Deepground. If you want to know more about the chapter, Alex tells you all about his time playing it here.