It’s the English dub of the film, originally released in Japan in August 2019. It was directed by Studio Ghibli animator Yoshiyuki Momose who worked on the film Spirited Away. Momose also worked on both games in the Ni No Kuni series (thanks, GamesRadar). In the film, “two average teens” will go on a magical quest to “save the life of their friend and her counterpart” from another world. And apparently, love will complicate the journey. Doesn’t it always? You can watch the trailer for the film at the link.

If you aren’t interested in the movie but are a fan of the games, you’ll be pleased to know a third title is in the works. Details are still pretty scarce at the moment, but Level 5 confirmed the news back in July. The latest game in the series, Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom, was released in 2018. The original game, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, was released for Switch in September 2019 alongside the PS4 and PC remaster.

English dub of Ni No Kuni movie comes to Netflix this month - 80