Original story: Diving deep into the Forgotten Realms and Dungeons & Dragons lore, Baldur’s Gate 3 looks to be a cracking modern interpretation of the fabled franchise, brought up to date from the studio behind Divinity: Original Sin. And we have 45 minutes of pure gameplay for you to pore over.

The video begins with a look at character creation and selection, including origin characters Lae’zel the githyanki, Gale the sage, urchin Shadowheart, noble Wyll and vampire Astarion. After that it’s straight into the start of the game, including early meetings and conversations with companions, a look at skill trees and all those glorious menus. From there it’s into some strategic sneaking - using the new turn-based mode - and that naturally devolves into a good old fashioned punch-up. Look, you didn’t come here for a description, you came here to watch uninterrupted gameplay, so knock yourselves out. While you’re here - watch the opening cinematic trailer below.

If you want more Baldur’s Gate 3, have at it:

Baldur’s Gate 3 Early Access will feature 5 companions You can play through Baldur’s Gate 3 using turn-based mode from start to finish Baldur’s Gate 3 is more than Divinity: Original Sin in a Dungeons and Dragons skin I watched Larian’s disastrous reveal of Baldur’s Gate 3 and it was glorious You can bang all companions in Baldur’s Gate 3, but romance is more than just a simple reward