Apex Legends was finally released on Valve’s storefront on November 5 and – at the time of writing – boasts the fourth-highest concurrent players on the platform, according to Steam Charts, coming in behind Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2 and Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds. On Sunday, November 8, Apex Legends saw its peak concurrent users to date, attracting 116,558 over the weekend and has had 79,434 users playing on average. When Respawn announced the Steam version’s release date, the studio also revealed that the Nintendo Switch edition was no longer coming out in 2020. Earlier this year, EA said it was hoping to soft launch a mobile version of Apex Legends by the end of 2020. Respawn also introduced cross-play into Apex Legends in October. Ascension, Apex Legends’ seventh season kicked off alongside its Steam launch last week, introducing a new legend - Horizon - and the new map Olympus.